Wednesday, September 10, 2008

many blessings

Estimado Bishop:

What a wondrous event to read and talk with Cathedral parishioners of your ordination to Bishop. You were the most help and support in working with the HIV patients at Medical Center. I was a social worker there and you always made a joyful difference in endless interactions. I have so many memories of your fairness and kindness, particularly with people others shunned. It is truly a pleasure to know that you will make more of a difference in the lives of many. Thank you.

When I visit, I always stop by the chapel to say a prayer and light a candle. The chapel has always been a centering place for me. I appreciated your spiritual connection with worshipers there. It also gave me great comfort to stop in after the fast death of my Mom, in November 2006. She was raised in a family of many religious, primarily nuns, including a Mother Superior of the Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana. My Mom had 9 children, but also found time to just listen, advocate, and educate around people with mental illness. She loved Pope John XXIII. I made a YouTube video on her receiving a posthumous plaque by her county Freeholders… “Remembering Mom” at,

I continue to teach undergraduates, since 1993, and look forward to sharing my stories about you. I am fortunate to have witnessed you, Father Al, Sister Francescal and others!!! I am teaching Ethics, Sociology, and research methods this term, at . Most of my students are working adults, a broad diversity of students, and always a pleasure to engage and learn from. Sadly, many West African refugees from the child army wars. If there is anything I can be helpful about, please always feel free to contact me.

Many best wishes and my prayers on your ordination and for your works ahead!

Felicidades et best wishes,